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第一章 总则

第一条 为了进一步加快我省中小学教育事业的发展,积极鼓励、正确引导社会力量举办中小学校,维护学校合法权益,完善对学校的管理,根据国务院《社会力量办学条例》,结合浙江教育实际,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所称的民办中小学是指:在本省行政区域内由企业事业组织、社会团体、其他社会组织及公民个人利用非国家财政性教育经费依法单独或联合(合作)举办的全日制中学(含普通中学、职业中学)和小学。
第三条 民办中小学设置要适应本地区经济建设和社会发展的要求,与本地区的各类教育事业统筹规划,有利于各类教育资源的合理布局。
第四条 民办中小学应坚持党的基本路线,全面贯彻党和国家的教育方针,遵守国家和本省的法律、法规、规章,接受政府的管理、监督、检查、评估和审计,保证教育质量,培养合格人才。

第二章 设置标准

第五条 申请举办民办中小学的组织,应具有法人资格。申请举办民办中小学的公民,应具有政治权利、完全民事行为能力。
第六条 有符合法律、法规的学校章程。
第七条 配备坚持党的基本路线、政策观念强、熟悉教育业务、懂得教学规律、有组织管理能力、事业心强的一定数量的专职领导班子。正、副校长符合任职条件,从事教育工作5年以上,身体健康,年龄在70岁以下,能坚持学校日常工作。
第八条 有数量足够、结构合理的教师,其中专职教师属普通中小学的不少于70%,属职业中学的不少于50%。教师学历合格率,民办职高在50%以上,民办普高在70%以上,民办初中在90%以上,小学在95%以上。
第九条 民办中学办学规模不少于6班,班额不超过56人;民办小学办学规模不少于12班,班额不超过52人。
第十条 有固定、独立、相对集中的土地和校舍。生均占地面积,中学达12平方米以上,小学达10平方米以上。生均建筑面积,中学达5平方米以上,小学达3.5平方米以上。绿化面积生均在0.5平方米以上。
第十一条 民办中学应有供学生体育活动的场地,18个班级以上的要有250米以上的环形跑道,有100米的直跑道。民办小学有操场,18个班级以上的要有60米直跑道。
第十二条 学校无危房。有符合卫生条件的厕所,有卫生设施。有满足师生就餐、寄宿需要的食堂、宿舍,食堂面积人均0.5平方米以上。
第十三条 民办普通中小学教学仪器达到省Ⅱ类标准以上,电教设备基本达到省Ⅱ类标准。中学的音、美、劳器材按国家教委全日制中学Ⅱ类标准配备,体育器材达到浙江省农村中学体育器材设施配备的基本标准。小学的音、美、劳、体设备按省Ⅱ类配备。民办普通中学有比较规范的物理、化学、生物实验室,有图书室、音乐室、美术室、档案室、劳技室。民办小学有音乐室、自然实验室、体育器材室和图书阅览室、少先队室。
第十四条 民办职业中学应有与专业性质相符,学生人数相配的实验仪器、设备、标本、模型及实验场所;实验课开出率,文化课不低于90%,专业课不低于80%;有与专业对口的校内实习基地及较稳定的校外实习基地,工科专业课保证实习学生每生一个工位。
第十五条 生均图书20册以上,报纸15种、杂志50种以上。教师工具书、参考书、挂图满足教学需要。
第十六条 有必备的办学资金,举办者具有为其学校提供稳定的经常办学资金的能力和条件(不包括向学生收费部分),开办注册资金(含资产投入)不少于30万元。
第十七条 在山区、海岛、少数民族聚居地区和贫困地区或通过公办学校实施九年制义务教育仍然有困难的地区,申请举办民办中小学的,其应具备的条件,由批准其设立的教育行政部门根据本规定第六条至第十五条要求作出适当放宽的规定,并给予扶持。

第三章 设置申请

第十八条 民办中小学的设置分筹办和正式建校两个阶段。达到设置标准要求的,可以直接申请正式建校;未达到设置标准要求的,可以先申请筹办。
第十九条 申请举办高中的,由申办者向办学所在地的市(地)教育行政部门提出申请。申请举办初中、小学的,由申办者向办学所在地县级及以上教育行政部门提出申请。
第二十条 申请筹办民办中小学须报以下材料:
第二十一条 举办者提交的拟办学校章程应包括下列内容:
第二十二条 申请正式建校报送的材料:

第四章 评议审批

第二十三条 县级以上教育行政部门应成立教育机构设置评议组织。
第二十四条 在接到申办者的办学申请后,由审批机关进行审查,对申请材料齐备、基本办学条件达到要求的,委托同级教育机构设置评议组织进行评议。对申请材料不完备的申请,审批机关不予委托评议,并及时通知申办者。
第二十五条 各级教育机构设置评议组织每年4月和10月集中受理设置评议。审批机关在接到设置评议组织的评议结论后的30天内作出是否同意的决定,并将决定通知申办者。审批同意的由审批机关发给申办者准予设立或准予筹办学校的批文和《社会力量办学许可证》。
第二十六条 民办中小学的名称应当能明显地表明其层次和所在行政区域。未经国务院教育行政部门批准,不得冠以"中国"、"中华"、"全国"等字样,未经省教育行政部门批准,不得冠以"浙江"、"全省"等字样。除经国务院教育行政部门专门审批以招收外籍学生为主的学校外,不得冠以"国际"等字样。批准筹办的,须在名称后加注"筹"字样。

第五章 管理

第二十七条 经批准成立或筹办的中小学,民办高中由学校所在地的教育行政部门管理为主,审批机关负责指导;初中、小学由学校所在地的县级教育行政部门实施管理。
第二十八条 民办中小学原则上应设立校董会,实行校董会领导下的校长负责制。校长是学校的法定代表人。
第二十九条 民办中小学应按照审批机关核准的学校章程规范内部管理。
第三十条 各级教育行政部门应确保依法设立的民办中小学享有下列办学自主权:

第六章 变更、调整与撤销

第三十一条 民办中小学校董会修改章程,变更学校名称、性质、层次、校址及校董会主持人等,应按审批程序办理变更手续;变更其他事项,应报审批机关备案。
第三十二条 民办中小学的调整,应由学校和举办者提前提出申请,经批准后,由学校和学校举办者负责妥善安置在校学生,并在教育行政部门监督下处理校产等。
第三十三条 教育行政部门依据《社会力量办学条例》,对有下列情况之一者,分别给予警告、罚款、没收非法所得、暂停办学的处理;情节特别严重者,由审批机关予以撤销:
第三十四条 因严重违背学校章程、违背办学宗旨被教育行政部门予以撤销的民办中小学,其举办者和校长应负责对在校学生妥善安置。审批机关应组织财务、审计等部门对学校资产进行清算,清算后的剩余财产,包括校舍、场地等除依法返还给举办者的部分外,其余部分由审批机关统筹安排,用于发展教育事业;如资不抵债,其亏损部分由举办者承担。

第七章 附则

第三十五条 本规定由省教育委员会负责解释。
第三十六条 本规定自发布之日起施行。

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第一条 为了加强对全国导游人员的统一管理,提高导游服务质量,保护旅行者和导游人员的合法权益,促进旅游事业的健康发展,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所称导游人员,是指为旅行者(包括旅行团,下同)组织安排旅行和游览事项,提供向导、讲解和旅途服务的人员。
第三条 导游人员分为全程陪同、地方陪同和定点陪同。
第四条 导游人员的正当权益受国家法律保护,任何单位和个人不得非法干涉其执行工作任务。
第五条 导游人员的主要职责是:
第六条 导游人员应当具备下列条件:
第七条 具备前条所列条件者,经考试合格,办理登记注册手续,方可担任导游工作。
第八条 分配到旅行社工作的高等院校毕业生,具备本规定第六条所列条件者,可以担任实习导游人员,实习期满一年,经考试合格,可以转为正式导游人员。
第九条 根据工作需要,旅行社可以在社会上招聘业余导游人员。具备本规定第六条所列条件者,持有关证明,经考试合格,方可担任业余导游工作。
第十条 导游人员的考试工作,由国家旅游局批准组成的全国考试委员会统一领导和部署,各省、自治区、直辖市旅游行政管理部门批准组成的考试委员会具体组织实施。
第十一条 经考试合格者,由国家旅游局或者各省、自治区、直辖市旅游行政管理部门分别办理登记注册手续,并发给导游证书。
第十二条 旅行社对导游人员日常管理的主要职责是:
第十三条 旅游行政管理部门可以派人检查导游工作,被检查的导游人员不得无理拒绝。
第十四条 导游人员在执行任务时,应当佩戴导游证,并携带导游证书。
第十五条 导游人员认真执行本规定,在工作中服务质量优异,作出重大成绩的,由旅游行政管理部门或者旅行社给予奖励。
第十六条 导游人员有下列行为之一的,由旅游行政管理部门予以处罚:
第十七条 对非法干涉导游人员执行任务,造成后果的,由旅游行政管理部门会同有关部门进行处理。有关部门应当配合支持。
第十八条 未按本规定参加考试、办理登记注册手续者,不得担任导游工作。擅自进行导游活动,收取导游费的,由旅游行政管理部门没收全部非法所得,并可处以非法所得三倍以下的罚款。
第十九条 受处罚者对旅游行政管理部门的处罚决定不服的,可以在收到处罚通知之日起十五日内,向上一级旅游行政管理部门提出申诉;上一级旅游行政管理部门应当在收到申诉之日起十五日内予以答复。
第二十条 本规定由国家旅游局负责解释,施行细则由国家旅游局制定。
第二十一条 本规定自1988年3月1日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on November 14, 1987 and promul-
gated by the National Tourism Administration on December 1, 1987)
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated in order to strengthen the unified
administration of affairs concerning tourist guides throughout the
country, to improve the quality standard of tourist services, to protect
the lawful rights and interests of tourist guides, and to promote the
sound development of the tourist industry.
Article 2
The term "tourist guides", as used in these Provisions, refers to those
working personnel who make arrangements for tours and sightseeing for
tourists (including tourist groups, the same below), serve as tourist
guides and interpreters, and provide other services for tourists during
their sightseeing trips.
Tourist guides shall, at the request of tourists, use foreign languages,
the Chinese putonghua or various Chinese dialects, and languages of
minority nationalities, respectively in their tourist work.
Article 3
Tourist guides are divided into three categories: full-itinerary guides,
local guides, and spot guides.
"Full-itinerary guides" refer to those personnel who are appointed or
engaged by tourist agencies (including tourist companies, the same below)
to provide full-itinerary services for those tourists who make a trans-
regional tour beyond the confines of provinces, autonomous regions, and
municipalities directly under the Central Government. "Local guides"
refer to those personnel who are appointed or engaged by tourist agencies
to provide tourist services for those tourists who make a tour within the
confines of a province, an autonomous region, or a municipality directly
under the Central Government. "Spot guides" refer to those personnel who
are appointed or engaged by tourist agencies to provide tourist services
for those tourists who make a tour within the confines of a certain scenic
Article 4
The legitimate rights and interests of tourist guides shall be protected
by Laws of the State, no institutions or individuals shall be permitted to
interfere illegally with the tourist guides in execution of their tasks.
Article 5
The duties of tourist guides shall be as follows:
(1) to accept the tourist tasks assigned by their tourist agency, and make
arrangements, in accordance with the reception plan, for taking tourists
on a sightseeing tour;
(2) to accompany tourists on a sightseeing tour, explain to them and
disseminate among them the Chinese culture;
(3) to work in coordination with the departments concerned and urge them
to make arrangements for the tourists' transportation, meals, and
accommodation, and to protect the safety of the tourists and their
properties and belongings;
(4) to make the tourists' requests and complaints known to whom it may
concern and provide assistance in making arrangements for such activities
as interviews, informal discussions, etc.;
(5) to answer the questions and inquiries raised by tourists, and assist
in solving problems that crop up during the sightseeing tour.
Article 6
Tourist guides shall meet the following qualifications:
(1) they must be citizens of the People's Republic of China, have a deep
love for their motherland, uphold the socialist system, observe
disciplines and abide by the laws, comply with the professional ethics of
tourism, and serve tourists wholeheartedly;
(2) they must have a schooling above the senior middle school level and
the command of language and power of expression needed for a qualified
tourist guide;
(3) they must be familiar with the tourist business, and possess the
ability of organization in reception work;
(4) they must be in good health, and adaptable to the needs of work.
Article 7
Those meeting the qualifications mentioned in the preceding Article shall
take and pass a qualification examination and go through the registration
formalities before they are permitted to take up the job of a tourist
Article 8
Graduates of institutions of higher learning who have been assigned to
work in a tourist agency and who have met the qualifications specified in
Article 6 may serve as probationary tourist guides for one year before
they become regular tourist guides after passing the qualification
Article 9
A tourist agency may, in light of needs of work, advertise for the
engagement of amateur tourist guides from society. Those who have met the
qualifications listed in Article 6 of these Provisions shall present the
relevant certifications, pass the qualification examination before they
are permitted to take up the job of an amateur tourist guide.
Article 10
The qualification examination for tourist guides shall be organized and
administered by the examination committee, which is established with the
approval of the tourism administration department of the province,
autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government,
and be placed under the unified leadership and arrangement by the national
examination committee established with the approval from the National
Tourism Administration.
Article 11
Those who have passed the qualification examination shall go through the
procedures for registration with the National Tourism Administration or
with the tourism administration departments of various provinces,
autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central
Government, and obtain the certificate for tourist guides.
Article 12
The chief duties of a tourist agency in its routine administrative work
relating to tourist guides shall be as follows:
(1) to carry on education in political ideology, professional ethics, the
legal system, and discipline;
(2) to conduct training in tourist business operations;
(3) to be responsible for assessment, reward and punishment work inside
the tourist agency;
(4) to deal with tourists' complaints concerning tourist guides.
Article 13
The tourism administration department may send personnel to inspect the
work of tourist guides. The tourist guides concerned may not refuse such
inspection without justification. Inspectors shall, while executing their
inspection tasks, produce the certification for the inspection issued by
the tourism administration departments.
Article 14
Tourist guides shall, while executing their tasks, wear the badge for
tourist guides, and carry along with them the certificate for tourist
Article 15
Tourist guides who have carried out these Provisions conscientiously, have
made great achievements in their work, and have distinguished themselves
by offering tourists excellent service, shall be rewarded by the tourism
administration department or by their tourist agency.
Article 16
Tourist guides, who have committed one of the following acts, shall be
punished by the tourism administration department:
(1) those who fail to carry out the various duties stipulated in Article 5
of these Provisions, and cause grave consequences shall, depending on the
seriousness of the cases, be given disciplinary sanctions, and may have
their tourist guides' badges and certificates withheld;
(2) those who unjustifiably refuse to submit themselves to inspection in
contravention of the stipulations in Article 13 of these Provisions shall
have their badges and certificates withheld;
(3) those who have committed the acts mentioned in the preceding two
paragraphs, if the case is extremely abominable, shall, with the approval
from the tourism administration department of the province, autonomous
region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, have their
badges and certificates revoked and their registration as tourist guides
Article 17
Those who have illegally interfered in the work of tourist guides and
caused consequences shall be dealt with by the tourism administration
department in coordination with other departments concerned. The
departments concerned shall give their support.
Article 18
Those, who have not taken the prescribed qualification examination and
gone through the registration procedures in accordance with these
Provisions, shall not be permitted to take up the job of a tourist guide.
With respect to those who, without permission, have conducted activities
of tourist guides and received tourist fees, the tourism administration
department shall confiscate the violators' illegal gains, and may also
impose a fine equal to three times as much, or less, as the amount of
illegal gains.
Article 19
If a violator refuses to accept the decision of penalty by the tourism
administration department, he/she may, within 15 days after receiving the
notification of punishment, lodge an appeal to the tourism administration
department at a higher level; the tourism administration department at a
higher level shall give reply within 15 days after receiving the appeal.
Article 20
The right to interpret these Provisions shall reside in the National
Tourism Administration, and the rules for the implementation of these
Provisions shall be formulated by the National Tourism Administration.
Article 21
These Provisions shall go into effect on March 1, 1988.